Where DANCE Captures the HEART and Inspires the SOUL!
COVID-19 Info & Updates
Let's work together

To keep our students, staff, and faculty safe, students are encouraged to wear masks at this time. Parents and guests MUST wear a face covering when entering the building. We are staying up-to-date with the Center for Disease Control as well as our state and local municipalities and will update guidelines as needed.
We will provide the safest environment for our staff, faculty and students.
We will follow the cleaning and sanitizing guidelines provided by the CDC.
We will post signage throughout the studio to help facilitate order.
We will provide additional areas for students to put their belongings in order to promote social distancing.
We will perform a hands-free temperature check of each student.
We will clean and sanitize all common areas between classes.
We will provide sanitizing stations throughout the facility.
We will thoroughly clean and sanitize the entire studio using a certified Defogger machine periodically.
We will monitor students to ensure social distancing protocols are being followed.
We will notify the families if a COVID-19 case is reported.

All parents/guardians must sign a COVID-19 Release Form. Click Here
Parents should take their students tempature before they leave home.
If tempature is 100.4 or higher, student should not come to studio.
Confirm that your student does not display other signs of illness. Refer to above Coronavirus Resources above.
If your student has contact with a COVID-19 case, quarantine and notify studio.
Parents are not allowed to observe classes or wait in the lobby area.
Parents should drop younger students off at the door with face covering on.
Parents can watch older students enter the studio once they exit the car.
Parents should drop students off at least 15 minutes before class.
Parents should pick-up students on-time.

Students are encouraged to wear a face covering while in class.
Students can remove face covering if they have a question but must maintain social distance.
Students should arrive to studio with dance clothes on but must be properly covered. No borrowing clothes.
Students MUST sanitize hands upon entering the studio and between classes.
Students MUST take a hands-free temperature check upon entering the studio.
Students should bring their own closed top water bottle.
Students should only bring a small dance bag into the studio. Bag MUST fit in a locker and cubby.
Students should bring their own towel.
Students are NOT allowed to leave the studio between classes or rehearsals.
Students should bring light snack or lunch. No sharing!
Students MUST ask permission to leave the room during class.
Students MUST confirm they have all their personal items before leaving the studio.
Students MUST practice social distancing while in the studio.

All PHUSION Instructors are vaccinated and have the option to wear a mask at this time.
Instructors will monitor students to ensure social distancing protocols are being followed.
Instructors will report any student issues at the end of their shift.
All guest MUST wear a mask while in the studio.
Guest will NOT be allowed to observe classes or wait in the lobby area.
Guest must adhere to all social distancing guidelines.